Virtual Art Space

Catalog view is the alternative 2D representation of our 3D virtual art space. This page is friendly to assistive technologies and does not include decorative elements used in the 3D gallery.

Space Title

ToxiCity: Avenal

Within the World Titled Deep-Sea Coral III
Opening date March 1st, 2023
View 3D Gallery
Main image for ToxiCity: Avenal


Environmental Injustice Digital Archives: Speculative Futures in Virtual Environments for Activism & Advocacy in Minority Communities


As the climate crisis unfolds, the interconnectedness of humans, non-humans, and the environment becomes ever more apparent. One stark manifestation of this is the localized impact of landfill-induced air pollution in cities within the central valley, disproportionately affecting minority communities. This research explores these disparities, interrogating the socio-ecological implications of positioning hazardous waste management facilities close to marginalized populations.

By adopting a speculative framework using a virtual world exhibition, we seek to reimagine the socio-environmental relationships, aiming toward a symbiotic interplay rather than an exploitative one. We propose the usage of virtual environments and digital media as tools to illuminate these often obfuscated conversations, obscured by legal and policy jargon.

Our research challenges the conventional barriers to accessing research, inviting scholars to participate actively in their communities. We argue that through visually engaging and culturally relevant forms of media, Latino and other minority communities can gain greater agency in voicing environmental concerns. Empowering these communities with the understanding of research dissemination could amplify their voices and ensure their perspectives inform and influence decision-making processes.

We advocate for creating an online exhibition to facilitate this dialogue, leveraging the power and reach of social media to drive social change. As the accessibility of digital media outpaces traditional avenues, this platform provides an opportunity to democratize environmental discourse and build momentum toward a more equitable ecological future. By bridging the digital divide, we aspire to empower communities, inspiring them to challenge, engage, and reshape their environmental realities.

3D Environment Description:

Speculative design using archival media including photographs, video, and design. Viewers see an immersive scale of the imagery--enhanced and exaggerated to call attention to the city's air quality issue.

Artworks in this space:

Between August 19th,2020 - June 28th,2021,308 days went by 56 complaints were filed. 0 complaints were confirmed. 0 Notice of Violations were issued.