Virtual Art Space

Catalog view is the alternative 2D representation of our 3D virtual art space. This page is friendly to assistive technologies and does not include decorative elements used in the 3D gallery.

Space Title


Within the World Titled SONIC COLLIDE-O-SCOPE
Credited to hiba ali
Opening date July 28th, 2022
View 3D Gallery
Main image for curses


in a custom-made outfit that samples blue, the 'indigo of their ancestors' the artist dances to rid themselves of inter-generational 'curses' and to 'curse' those who harm others. the artist's mystical powers of healing are summoned to destroy cursed objects: military tanks, drones, and money and prefigures the process of healing as ongoing cycles of the past and future.

Artworks in this space:

c u r s e s

Artwork title


Artist name hiba ali
Artwork title

curses for you got curses for you curses for you

Artwork title


Artist name hiba ali
Artwork title

you saw a lack you attacked took advantage now ive bandaged now you’ve banished

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no matter what you do no matter what you see got curses for both you and me

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no matter what you do no matter what you see got curses for both you and me

Artwork title

you saw a lack you attacked took advantage now ive bandaged now you’ve banished

Artwork title

curses for you got curses for you curses for you