Virtual Art Space

Catalog view is the alternative 2D representation of our 3D virtual art space. This page is friendly to assistive technologies and does not include decorative elements used in the 3D gallery.

Space Title

Music For Invisible Cities

Within the World Titled Music for Invisible Cities
Credited to FB EVENT LINK
Opening date January 1st, 2021
View 3D Gallery
Main image for Music For Invisible Cities


Hotub bouwt een nieuwe stad in de crypte van het Duivelsteen. De bewoners van deze stad brengen je een avond vol experimentele performance en elektronische muziek. De huizen zijn van karton en de zon schijnt beelden op de facades. Iedereen is welkom om mee te verdwalen in de straten, zolang we maar eindigen in een andere stad dan die waarin we begonnen zijn.
19:00 - Echofarmer
20:30 - Hotub & Robbe De Pestel
21:00 - custom cake by CELEBR8 CULTCAKES
22:00 - HelenaH
22:30 - TONI&MASH (tuin)
23:00 - Daisy Darkpark
00:00 - Lloydfears
01:00 - Neutralised
02:30 - Bakläxa b2b PBL.FYI b2b Lloydfears b2b glitteroogje1.0 b2b bonebroth
03:30 END
In samenwerking met BROEI voor YART 2022.
Grafisch ontwerp door Elena Op 't Eynde
Hotub is constructing a new city in the crypt of het Duivelsteen. The residents of this city will bring you an evening full of experimental performances and electronic music. The houses are made of cardboard and the sun projects images on the buildings. Everybody is welcome to get lost in the streets, as long as we end in a different city than the one we started in.
19:00 - Echofarmer
20:30 - Hotub
21:00 - custom cake by CELEBR8 CULTCAKES
22:00 - HelenaH
22:30 - TONI&MASH (garden)
23:00 - Daisy Darkpark
00:00 - Lloydfears
01:00 - Neutralised
02:30 - Bakläxa b2b PBL.FYI b2b Lloydfears b2b glitteroogje1.0 b2b bonebroth
03:30 END
In collaboration with BROEI for YART 2022.
Graphic design by Elena Op 't Eynde
Site by PBL.FYI

3D Environment Description:

A greyscale room with a spinning sphere surrounding it showing a video of moving sillhouettes on a loop. Green cutouts of buildings are floating and spinning in the space along with a large poster for the 'Music for Invisible Cities' night at Broei, Ghent on 23/07/22

Artworks in this space:

Artwork title

Daisy Darkpark

Artwork Description:

Daisy Darkpark's sonic world is inspired by her love for industrial clubbing-cabaret.

Daisy Darkpark
Artwork title


Artwork Description:

Ranging from soft and fluffy to sharp and angular, echofarmer (Arne Nuyts) collages his inspirations into detailed musical labyrinths. Contrasting echoes of analog synths, digital noise, acoustic instruments and field recordings collide, resulting in intricate tracks pulling from genres such as ambient, broken beat, triphop, jungle and the LA beat scene.

Artwork title


Artwork Description:

Hotub is an interdisciplinary performance collective from Ghent. Merging sculpture, costume, music and dance into one, they are each other’s imaginary friends creating new worlds to get lost in. 

Artwork title


Artwork Description:

Berlin based German/UK duo TONI&MASH produce alternative R&B, neon pop infused tracks with complimentary vocal harmonies and the tightest hooks. The pair have been friends since 2012 when they met in Berlin, they’ve been creating music, videos, and live
productions with their characteristic DIY aesthetic ever since.

Artwork title


Artwork Description:

Lloydfears is an artist from the North of england who is currently based in Berlin. Working in music, performance and spoken word, they are mostly interested in radical self improvement and carving a path towards shared catharsis.

He is not one of the good ones.

Lloydfears’ new EP Self-Soothe was released via Xenonyms on May 5 and pulls from grime, choral music and electro-acoustic. 

Artwork title


Artwork Description:

Rave bits, cybernetic voices, and broad-shouldered breaks pour out of them and into you, this duo channelling the ever-love of CiV/VIC; a post-benevolent Ai dictator from a distant future. Made up of Bakläxa and PBL.FYI, when you’re ready to experience something better than goofy virtual reality, just let ‘em know :)
