Catalog view is the alternative 2D representation of our 3D virtual art space. This page is friendly to assistive technologies and does not include decorative elements used in the 3D gallery.
An exploration of literality and lack-of-therein in the digital realm
A video installation that considers cuteness and its relationship to cultural capital, social agency and dominance. Upon entering the room, a duo of collared barking monitors on leashes standoff. Subsequently behind the pair of tethered screens, a wall-projection of my skin and a dogs skin are liquefied together.
In an evocative collision of installation, performance and computer-generated animations, I critique the creation of Boston Dynamic’s animatronic dog robot by cosplaying as an animatronic pink polka-dotted puppy toy. Enclosed in a puppy play pen and sitting on top of a bed of dog food, an iPad plays the three-minute video.
Axis of Evil is a close examination of the year 2006. With Pluto’s demotion and pseudo-death came the death of any notion of objective, scientific truth. It wasn’t long before other so-called truths began to falter. The Fable, once considered a universal moral compass, stopped pointing north. In the wake of this great loss, and with 13 years of hindsight, I have compiled a selection of post-Plutonian Fables. There is no such thing as reward or repentance, no triumph of Good over Evil
Hacker Concerto is an exploration of the lack of self on online platforms. Having one's self hijacked by a robot and having it contact people in our follow list reveals the fragility of selfhood in the information age. This hack is physically embodied in this dance performance layered atop the fraudulent messages sent to Georgica's followers, me included.