Catalog view is the alternative 2D representation of our 3D virtual art space. This page is friendly to assistive technologies and does not include decorative elements used in the 3D gallery.
All 3D design: Serena Treppiedi
Regenera Launchpad Explore all the Regenera's virtual worlds!
3D design: Serena Treppiedi
In 2021 we launched regen·era to engage thousands of people throughout the next decade and create fictions and stories to model and imagine the world we want to live in. Along with it, we also launched regen·era rising, a gathering that showcased the work of the 144 visionary creators of the first cohort of the Design Science Studio and an entire week full of talks, debates, immersive experiences and art to build a world that works for all. We believe in the intangible forces of emergence and in the collective transmutation taking place at the moment. Something attracted you here, and we promise we will make you feel home, but we hope to also inspire you, challenge you, push you, encourage you, enroll you and engage you. We are now opening the doors of the city to you, so you can use it as your canvas to co-design the future with us. And also access to all talks and wonderful things that happened at the gathering. Hopefully, at some point our futurecasting and backcasting timelines will converge, and we would start living in the future we imagine.
Welcome to Regenera. I'm Ava and she is Gloria. In 2021 we launched regen·era to engage thousands of people throughout the next decade and create fictions and stories to model and imagine the world we want to live in. From here you'll have access to five declination of our virtual space MORA, the Museum Of Regenerative Art. Pass throw any of the portal to visit the space and discover what our artist have made to express their commitment through creativity. The worlds and projects you'll visit are: Cohera and Autopoesis, from our first Cohort; Invisible Visible, Interbeing and Protopia from this year artists! There's so much to see! Make sure you'll to click everything and explore everywhere!