Virtual Art Space

Catalog view is the alternative 2D representation of our 3D virtual art space. This page is friendly to assistive technologies and does not include decorative elements used in the 3D gallery.

Space Title


Within the World Titled ™←↪৹°Auto.Corp°৹↩→™
Credited to Auto.corp™
Opening date July 14th, 2022
View 3D Gallery Auto.Corp artist donations
Main image for .▫~◽⚜💠⛓A{i}utʘpiA⛓💠⚜◽~▫.



Created by Alice Hoffmann-Fuller, with contributing pieces by sound artist - Ruaridh Law.( and featuring anonymous art collective - Anti.Gang (featuring A.n0nE + i.No0nE)


...envisions utopian ideals through the lens of the imagined infant-AI. It offers an artificially generated, false-data-driven perception of Arcadia, in bite-size utopia chunks ~ drive-by utilitarianism in a disposable take-out pack. Containing a tripartite of microcosms, the trinity of 🌴NATURE🌴, 💀DEATH/AFTERLIFE💀 + 🧪SCIENCE🧪 are explored within AI’s self-limited interpretation of potential perfect harmony….


Read on for tips and instructions....
Works best on Google Chrome, or Opera.
Close other apps - go Full Screen!

🎧 recommended.

There is fun to be had mixing the environmental sounds, to enjoy the spatial effects simply navigate around the sounds, which have been placed in bubbles 🔘, so they're easier to locate.
There are no boundaries, so fly into the micro-worlds, to find what's inside.
Go slow.... Savour and Enjoy.


Any donations help us to produce this art, which you are experiencing for free and ANY contributions would be greatly appreciated.
Any help to share this work would be awesome, as the more people that experience it, the more worthwhile it has been to produce.


Artworks in this space:

Artwork title

Ruaridh Law -sample - Overbaked

Artwork title

Heavenly Bodies...

Artwork title

scratchy break

Artwork title

Ruaridh Law - sample

Artwork title

bass drop

Artwork Description:


Artwork title

Ruaridh Law -sample - Overbaked

Artwork title


Artist name A.n0nE and Alice Hoffmann-Fuller
Artwork Description:

If AI were to create Utopias based on data collected from Humans...

Science and Maths are recognised by the computer (and humans!) as perfection and harmony. 
Explaining and reasoning - it is the Utopia of logic. Where sickness is cured and technology pervades. The beauty of maths, the perfection of logic, the forensics of research, all point to a perfect result.
The Principle of the Rhythm Section states that 1+1=3 - as in actuality 2 corresponding and complimentary rhythms together create a third unknown energy that runs parallel to the others and cannot be defined or quantified. Therefore a scientific utopia based on logical equation is about as tangible a goal as a utopia based on human kindness and transformation....  

Thoughts on ‘Utopia' (in relation to Beautiful formula and the Rhythm section) Michael Wright
Artwork title

Heavenly Bodies...[the temple of death]

Artist name A.n0nE and Alice Hoffmann-Fuller
Artwork Description:

If AI were to create Utopias based on data collected from Humans...

The computer has recognised After-Life (AKA DEATH) as a human utopian stereotype...

This Utopia world is based on the almost universal Utopian beliefs stemming from spirituality and religion... which seem to allude to harmony only being available in the After-Life (aka DEATH).
So this space is designed to question the utopia/heaven through death option.... A potentially perfect outcome we will never actually be able to prove or disprove. How convenient.... 

Sound - Auto.Choir, a collaboration between Ruaridh Law and AHF.

Artwork title


Artwork title

an enemy

Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title

stingray 1

Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title

stingray 🌊

Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title


Artist name A.n0nE and Alice Hoffmann-Fuller
Artwork Description:

If AI were to create Utopias based on data collected from Humans...

The computer would rationalise our claims of love for our planet and all things on it. 
This space takes a toddler AI view of collected data of how we humans envisage a natural utopia... 
However computers do not necessarily understand (or care) that  the outcomes generated for this ark, don't actually fit together in the natural world..
Thus creating probably the most surreal and (un)natural utopian environment possible... 

Artwork title


Artwork title

Natura-Artifice 0.1

Artist name A.n0nE