Virtual Art Space

Catalog view is the alternative 2D representation of our 3D virtual art space. This page is friendly to assistive technologies and does not include decorative elements used in the 3D gallery.

Space Title


Within the World Titled ™←↪৹°Auto.Corp°৹↩→™
Credited to Auto.Corp™
Opening date July 14th, 2022
View 3D Gallery Auto.Corp artist donations
Main image for ▪◽AuT0💥CuLTur0💥Qu0tA◽▪


[Start in this space, then move to Auto-Boutique > A[i]ut0pia....]

Created by Alice Hoffmann-Fuller with contributing pieces by anonymous art collective Anti.Gang (featuring A.n0nE + i.no0NE)


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Is a cultural box-ticking exercise. It is a conveyor belt of artworks set within a future gallery which once experienced fulfils a weekly quota of cultural achievement. It is designed to leave the viewer without control over the experience ~ it is an artwork delivery system, leaving the viewer unable to leave the conveyor belt until the experience is complete. By the end, the prize for staying on track is an uptick on your records and the ability to go “off-grid”, “out of bounds” into the outside world, an area that is actually forbidden and is a dystopian dumping ground of out of date and abandoned artworks.

Any donations help us to produce this art, which you are experiencing for free and ANY contributions would be greatly appreciated.
Any help to share this work would be awesome, as the more people that experience it, the more worthwhile it has been to produce.



Artworks in this space:

Artwork title

Mutter Und Kind

Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title

Cheap trick

Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title

Moonshot. STATIC

Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title

swell 0.2

Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title


Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title


Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title


Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title


Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title


Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title


Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title

auto-immune 0.1

Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title


Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title


Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title


Artist name a.n0nE