Virtual Art Space

Catalog view is the alternative 2D representation of our 3D virtual art space. This page is friendly to assistive technologies and does not include decorative elements used in the 3D gallery.

Space Title


Within the World Titled ™←↪৹°Auto.Corp°৹↩→™
Credited to Auto.corp™
Opening date July 14th, 2022
View 3D Gallery Auto.Corp artist donations
Main image for ...♦♦⚡Auto.Boutique⚡♦♦...


Created by Alice Hoffmann-Fuller with contributing pieces from anonymous art collective Anti.Gang (featuring A.n0nE + i.no0NE)

Is a parody of commercial lifestyle platforms. Alluding to choice, it presents possible identity options. Displaying a variety of potential avatar features, in the guise of a digital gallery. Which personal aesthetics will you choose and will your options be available at the checkout?


Come Play the Identity Game! Select columns by clicking images. Click again to select image.
🎧 recommended.
Works best on Chrome.
Close other apps and enter full-screen mode!
Any donations help us to produce this art, which you are experiencing for free and ANY contributions would be greatly appreciated.
Any help to share this work would be awesome, as the more people that experience it, the more worthwhile it has been to produce.



Artworks in this space:

Artwork title


Artwork title

Downward Spiral

Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title


Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title

Full Frontal

Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title


Artist name A.n0nE
Artwork title

synthestic fibres

Artwork Description:


autochanger autodigestion autotransplantation autotest autodialler autoflow autogenous autogolpe autohelm autowinder autoloader autotype automatisation automobilia autoreactive autoshaped autosuggestion autotelic autotransformer authenticist authentique authoritie autistically auto-off autoactivation autoanalysis autoanalyzer autoantigen autobiog autobiographically autoblock autobox autocannon autocentric autocephalic autunite autoconfig autoconfiguration autocook autocorrelator autodefrost autodidactic autoeroticism autofill autofire autoflash autofluorescent autohagiography autohypnosis autozero autoland automethylation automobility automorphism autophilia autophosphorylated autoportrait autopsychological autoranging autoreactivity autoregression autoregulate autorepression autoreverse autoscope autosome autosplenectomy autotelism autotherapy autotimer Auto.autoacceleration autoacetylated autoacetylation autoactivate autoadjust autoadjustment autoadjuvant autoadministered autoagglutinating autoagglutination autoaggregation autoaggressive autoalgometer autoalgometric autoalgometry autoalign autoalignment autoallergy autoamplification autoamplificatory autoamputate autoamputation autoanalingus autoandrophilia autoanswer autoantigenic autoantigenicity autoantonym autoapomorphic autoassociative autoassociator autoaway autobalancing autobarotropic autobarotropy autobasidium autobaud autobicycle autobio autobiochemical autobiografiction autobiografictional autobiographic autobiographism autobiographist autobiopic autobiotinylation autoblanking autobody autoboot autoboxed autoboxing autobracketing autobraking autobuffering autobuffet autocab autocade autocalibrating autocalibration autocancel autocannibalism autocapitalization autocatalyse autocatalysed autocatalysis autocatalytical autocatalytically autocatalyze autocategorisation autocategorization autocategorize autocentrism autocephality autocephaly autochef autochorous autochorously autochory autochronograph autochthon autochthonal autochthone autochthonic autochthonism autochthonously autochthony autochtonous autocidal autocide autoclasis autoclassification autoclassifier autoclassify autoclastic autoclavability autoclavable autoclavation autocleaning autocleavage autoclick

Click an image to select a column, then click again to select single images....

autochanger autodigestion autotransplantation autotest autodialler autoflow autogenous autogolpe autohelm autowinder autoloader autotype automatisation automobilia autoreactive autoshaped autosuggestion autotelic autotransformer authenticist authentique authoritie autistically auto-off autoactivation autoanalysis autoanalyzer autoantigen autobiog autobiographically autoblock autobox autocannon autocentric autocephalic autunite autoconfig autoconfiguration autocook autocorrelator autodefrost autodidactic autoeroticism autofill autofire autoflash autofluorescent autohagiography autohypnosis autozero autoland automethylation automobility automorphism autophilia autophosphorylated autoportrait autopsychological autoranging autoreactivity autoregression autoregulate autorepression autoreverse autoscope autosome autosplenectomy autotelism autotherapy autotimer Auto.autoacceleration autoacetylated autoacetylation autoactivate autoadjust autoadjustment autoadjuvant autoadministered autoagglutinating autoagglutination autoaggregation autoaggressive autoalgometer autoalgometric autoalgometry autoalign autoalignment autoallergy autoamplification autoamplificatory autoamputate autoamputation autoanalingus autoandrophilia autoanswer autoantigenic autoantigenicity autoantonym autoapomorphic autoassociative autoassociator autoaway autobalancing autobarotropic autobarotropy autobasidium autobaud autobicycle autobio autobiochemical autobiografiction autobiografictional autobiographic autobiographism autobiographist autobiopic autobiotinylation autoblanking autobody autoboot autoboxed autoboxing autobracketing autobraking autobuffering autobuffet autocab autocade autocalibrating autocalibration autocancel autocannibalism autocapitalization autocatalyse autocatalysed autocatalysis autocatalytical autocatalytically autocatalyze autocategorisation autocategorization autocategorize autocentrism autocephality autocephaly autochef autochorous autochorously autochory autochronograph autochthon autochthonal autochthone autochthonic autochthonism autochthonously autochthony autochtonous autocidal autocide autoclasis autoclassification autoclassifier autoclassify autoclastic autoclavability autoclavable autoclavation autocleaning autocleavage autoclick