Virtual Art Space

Catalog view is the alternative 2D representation of our 3D virtual art space. This page is friendly to assistive technologies and does not include decorative elements used in the 3D gallery.

Space Title

Dream, Time and Memory / Sonho, Tempo e Memória

Within the World Titled A Midsummer Night's Dreams: A Tropical Meridional Fiction / Sonhos de uma noite de verão: uma ficção tropical meridional
Credited to Guta Oliveira
Opening date September 15th, 2022
View 3D Gallery
Main image for Dream, Time and Memory / Sonho, Tempo e Memória


Dream, Time and Memory is a narrative universe built from my childhood memories related to symbolic elements of transformation, elements that are part of the process of building my identity. The environment refers to a place where dreams inhabit, where time presents itself in a cyclical way. I need to go back to reinvent myself, I create new possibilities to exist within a reality projected from a cisgender cognition.Inspired by the book Criança Trans, by Sofia Favero, I make use of the report to question the ownership we have of the past itself, understanding this production as presentified. Thus, I propose an invitation, through the meeting, to elaborate new paths to be traced by a transgender perspective.

3D Environment Description:

The setting refers to a dreamlike universe where the elements that are part of it do not necessarily correspond to reality. A haze permeates photographs and 3D objects. The floor is undulating, with rectangular stones of brown parallelepiped, among them, the colors yellow, pink and blue mix in the seams. Along the way, there are hills with different proportions, some
suspended in the air facing downwards, others diagonally and also on the ground with the top facing upwards, with pointed triangular geometric shapes in green, blue and pink.

Artworks in this space:

Artwork title

Bridge / Ponte

Artwork Description:

Around the age of 5 I learned to do acrobatics, which aroused my interest in exploring my body, knowing its limits, and even going beyond. I was always hanging from trees, toys, benches, anything that left me suspended, upside down, that stretched my muscles, churned my blood. Don't be afraid to take risks. In a pirouette, shuffling the colors, merging the shapes. Concentrate on movement, precision, so you don't crash to the ground. Projecting the body in the position of a bridge and seeing everything upside down.

Something always wanted to change the way of relating to reality. The interaction between body and world. Imagine new worlds. Align soul, mind and body. Design bridges that take us to other places. Dying and being reborn in life, LIVE, every day. Transgress the norm. Create a new logic of existence. Transmute thought, transform mental forms, states and conditions into others. Breaking space-time to make the action present. Rescue through the child the multiplicity of possibilities that a body can be.

Around the age of 5 I learned to do acrobatics, which aroused my interest in exploring my body, knowing its limits, and even going beyond. I was always hanging from trees, toys, benches, anything that left me suspended, upside down, that stretched my muscles, churned my blood. Don't be afraid to take risks. In a pirouette, shuffling the colors, merging the shapes. Concentrate on movement, precision, so you don't crash to the ground. Projecting the body in the position of a bridge and seeing everything upside down.

Something always wanted to change the way of relating to reality. The interaction between body and world. Imagine new worlds. Align soul, mind and body. Design bridges that take us to other places. Dying and being reborn in life, LIVE, every day. Transgress the norm. Create a new logic of existence. Transmute thought, transform mental forms, states and conditions into others. Breaking space-time to make the action present. Rescue through the child the multiplicity of possibilities that a body can be.


Por volta dos meus 5 anos aprendi a fazer acrobacias, o que despertou o interesse em explorar meu corpo, conhecer seus limites, para inclusive ir além. Vivia pendurada em árvores, brinquedos, bancos, qualquer coisa que me deixasse suspensa, de cabeça para baixo, que esticasse meus músculos, revirasse meu sangue. Não ter medo de arriscar. Numa pirueta, embaralhar as cores, fundir as formas. Concentrar no movimento, na precisão, para não estatelar no chão. Projetar o corpo na posição de uma ponte e enxergar tudo de cabeça para baixo. 

Algo sempre quis alterar o modo de se relacionar com a realidade. A interação entre corpo e mundo. Imaginar novos mundos. Alinhar alma, mente e corpo. Projetar pontes que nos levem para outros lugares. Morrer e renascer em vida, VIVA, todos os dias. Transgredir a norma. Criar uma nova lógica de existência. Transmutar o pensamento, transformar as formas, os estados e as condições mentais em outras. Romper o espaço-tempo para presentificar a ação. Resgatar através da criança a multiplicidade de possibilidades que um corpo pode ser.
Artwork title

Fragment / Fragmento

Artwork Description:

We arrive at a photograph in which I am with my grandmother Lucilda, also known as Babalu. On each grandson's or granddaughter's birthday, we would tape candies, lollipops, and gum to our clothes. On the day of the party, we would run across the courtyard and the children would follow us, snatching away the sweets.

I found in the photos, in my child's eyes, fragments of dreams, thoughts and desires that until I was 25 years old I didn't feel safe to live them in their entirety. That's why I took back every bullet that had been torn out, every memory, to build an idea of the past. Name this child: GUTA. A pronoun that contemplates SHE. An opportunity to materialize about herself everything she imagined alone and didn't know how to name. A transvestite identity.

We arrive at a photograph in which I am with my grandmother Lucilda, also known as Babalu. On each grandson's or granddaughter's birthday, we would tape candies, lollipops, and gum to our clothes. On the day of the party, we would run across the courtyard and the children would follow us, snatching away the sweets.

I found in the photos, in my child's eyes, fragments of dreams, thoughts and desires that until I was 25 years old I didn't feel safe to live them in their entirety. That's why I took back every bullet that had been torn out, every memory, to build an idea of the past. Name this child: GUTA. A pronoun that contemplates SHE. An opportunity to materialize about herself everything she imagined alone and didn't know how to name. A transvestite identity.
Artwork title

Composition / Composição

Artwork Description:

I ask you to stay a little longer, we are reaching the end. If there is a point of arrival and departure.

What's playing in the background is a recording of a recital from 2008, when I played Ludwig van Beethoven's Sonata in the Moonlight, at the former Igreja Matriz de São Miguel, in Dois Irmãos. When I went on stage, my leg shook to the point where I couldn't step on the pedals, I lost myself in the score, but followed the music through improvised arrangements. One day, my teacher said “Imagine that you are playing for a cabbage plantation, nobody will know if you made a mistake, only you studied the music.”

I carry that phrase with me at different times when I find myself alone in environments where I can't find mine. I admire in the locks the bass and treble in the notes. The intensity and subtlety in strength. The rush and the calm in the rhythm. The cadence and offset of the metric. The fluidity of improvisation. Each with its own tone, but together composing arrangements that permeate everywhere. They don't even know when we're wrong because their ears weren't programmed to listen. We continue to develop new ways of communicating, creating, loving and crossing to seek new meanings. 

Artwork title

Encounter / Encontro

Artwork Description:



My name is Guta. I'm a trans woman, white, I'm 1.76 m tall, with long curly hair and brown eyes. But, I already warn you, this self-description is not and does not intend to be finalized, as it continues in constant transformation.

I would like to invite you, accompany me on a search, in which I will guide you through memories of my childhood that I needed to rescue to build the subjective universe of my identity. A welcoming place for memory, dreams and time

Let's move around in this space using the “W” keys to move forward, “A” to the left side, “S” to go back, “D” to the right side, “E” to fly and “C” to descend. Let's know which part of the path we are on because as we approach the objects my voice will be in evidence and I will signal when we should move on.

In order not to get lost, we will go ahead, but this does not mean that the order of what will be presented corresponds to a linear narrative. Here, past, present and future interact simultaneously and generate new conditions of possibilities.