Virtual Art Space

Catalog view is the alternative 2D representation of our 3D virtual art space. This page is friendly to assistive technologies and does not include decorative elements used in the 3D gallery.

Space Title


Within the World Titled DMA BFA Spring 2023
Opening date April 30th, 2023
View 3D Gallery
Main image for Natalie

Artworks in this space:

Artwork title


Artist name Natalie Matthias
Artwork Description:


Artwork title

The Cube

Artist name Natalie Matthias
Artwork Description:

The Perspective of a God versus the perspective of the cretion.

The Cube
Artwork title

Cube 2

Artist name Natalie Matthias
Cube 2
Artwork title

Gasping Light

Artist name Natalie Matthias
Artwork Description:

Confined by our own plane of reality, some can manage to break the limits to obtain what lies beyond.

Gasping Light
Artwork title


Artist name Natalie Matthias
Artwork Description:

NASA scientists managed to go beyond what we thought was possible to explore the stars. Even now we are still searching for life beyond the stars. Who's to say other entities aren’t looking for us? The 2D entities sit at their 2D computers in a style meant to mimic the flatness of ancient Egyptian art. 

Artwork title

Explorer (Detected)

Artist name Natalie Matthias
Artwork Description:

After walking in front of the sensor device, the image changes and the 2D entities are able to finally perceive us.

Explorer (Detected)
Artwork title

Explorer (undetected close up)

Explorer (undetected close up)
Artwork title

Explorer (detected, close up)

Explorer (detected, close up)
Artwork title

The Tower

Artist name Natalie Matthias
Artwork Description:

The merciless grip of capitalism makes the days blur together. The subway trip to the company elevator all leads to another day of meaningless toil, where you’ll take the same elevator, bus, and subway back home. In a constant state of transition that leads to nowhere. 

The Tower
Artwork title

The Tower part 2

The Tower part 2
Artwork title

The Tower part 3

The Tower part 3