Catalog view is the alternative 2D representation of our 3D virtual art space. This page is friendly to assistive technologies and does not include decorative elements used in the 3D gallery.
A stereogram of me inside a broken doorframe.
The Gateway
3 different sizes of the same spiral pattern. Line them up and stare for 10 seconds, then look at the back of your hand.
Stand Here
I used a doormat texture and created a stereogram welcome mat.
Back to Lobby
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door when looking at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door when looking at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door when looking at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door when looking at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door when looking at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door when looking at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
The grass says Digital Door if you look at is as a stereogram.
Video Stereogram
A stereogram of my avatar popping because I used to dance and perform in high school.
In my cap and gown as I sit in a chair waiting for my name to be called.
Reaching to the camera showing depth in my 3D model.
Stereograms have a funny play with depth and dimensions so I made a cube rotating with a stereogram as a texture. The depth of the texture plays with the depth of the video stereogram as a whole.
I created an avatar and imported animations to his character rig. He is the same avatar popping in the video stereogram.