Virtual Art Space

Catalog view is the alternative 2D representation of our 3D virtual art space. This page is friendly to assistive technologies and does not include decorative elements used in the 3D gallery.

Space Title

張程鈞 Chang Cheng-Chun

Within the World Titled 【Generation Bored Stiff】
Credited to 張程鈞 Chang Cheng-Chun
Opening date January 6th, 2022
View 3D Gallery
Main image for 張程鈞 Chang Cheng-Chun


末研部是一個拍攝以及研究末日影像的劇組團隊,藉由我們拍攝的日常生活場景與末日電影的並置,討論當代影像資訊對於真實的影響,試圖反映出 影像產生的「末日恐慌」、「末日場景感」造成人類真實感受的錯置。

《Apocalypse Research Department-Team B》
Team Member: Wang Yu-Ching, Chang Cheng-Chun, Yeh Ri-Ning, Guan Jing-Ya
Apocalypse Research Department is a team that shoots and researches apocalypse films. By putting both the ordinary scenes we shoot and apocalypse film together, discussing the impact the modern image information brought against the reality and trying to reflect the how the panic and the similar scene the film produced misplaces the human’s real feeling.

南藝的生活,每天都是在宿舍與工作室之間來回,側門是通往工作室最近的一個門, 一些日子下來穿越草皮成為日常,在此同時也發現校園中有許多石頭鋪成的步道,邊陲的地方長滿了青苔,看似不會有人走訪。趁著夜晚,我開始收集這些無用的石板,將其規劃舖設一條新的路徑。

《Useless Usage 138》
During the life in Tainan National University of the Arts, I shuttled between dormitory and studio every day. The side door is the closest to the studio, and thus, crossing the grass became my daily life, at the same time, I also found that there was a lot of paths made of rocks on the campus, and the border area were all mossed, it seemed that they won’t be visited by anyone. I started to collect these useless rocks and plan to build a new path by night.

Artworks in this space:

Artwork title


Artist name 張程鈞
Artwork Description:

  南藝的生活,每天都是在宿舍與工作室之間來回,側門是通往工作室最近的一個門, 一些日子下來穿越草皮成為日常,在此同時也發現校園中有許多石頭鋪成的步道,邊陲的地方長滿了青苔,看似不會有人走訪。趁著夜晚,我開始收集這些無用的石板,將其規劃舖設一條新的路徑。

《Useless Usage 138》
During the life in Tainan National University of the Arts, I shuttled between dormitory and studio every day. The side door is the closest to the studio, and thus, crossing the grass became my daily life, at the same time, I also found that there was a lot of paths made of rocks on the campus, and the border area were all mossed, it seemed that they won’t be visited by anyone. I started to collect these useless rocks and plan to build a new path by night.
