Virtual Art Space

Catalog view is the alternative 2D representation of our 3D virtual art space. This page is friendly to assistive technologies and does not include decorative elements used in the 3D gallery.

Space Title

黃萱 Huang Xuan

Within the World Titled 【Generation Bored Stiff】
Credited to 黃萱 Huang Xuan
Opening date January 6th, 2022
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Main image for 黃萱 Huang Xuan



From the moment you open your eyes to the moment you go to bed, there are many internal wishes that keep appearing in your mind, whether they are strong or subtle, like a voiceover. These may be dissatisfaction with what is happening around us, expectations for the future, or " should have known" about the past. Based on all kinds of heartfelt thoughts, I decided to allow them to emerge in this action at once.

I made it a rule to make a wish for every match I slipped, so that the infinite wishing of empty words on the grass would become both a ritual of liberation and a micro-challenge to the daily desires.

作品名稱定為「chair」,一般在英文裡被熟知為「椅子」的意思外;於法文中則 是「肉身與軀體」之意。單字的巧合,正好能呼應我創作中,將身體和椅子支撐狀態相互翻轉的想法。在跌落爬起的反覆過程中努力維持著成為日常情景的一部分,身體也於其能力限制下擺盪著它的身份和狀態。

The word “Chair” in English means a seat for a person, it usually has four legs, backrest and sometimes two arm rests too, but in French “Chair”also means ‘flesh and body’. The coincidence of two meanings in this word reflects exactly the idea of my work: flipping the supporting state of the chair with the human body.
There are two instances in the video. The first, the original design and make of the object, conforming the human body into becoming the object. This changes the function of the furniture from a relaxed sitting position, to a challenging supporting structural state, making it extremely difficult to maintain the self-supporting posture. The second, is the failure to maintain the posture due to the physical inability. Returning the body from object to flesh, this moment symbolises the failure of keeping to a ‘daily routine’.
Due to the limitation of my physical ability, it changes my state in a repeated process of failing and reattempts. And through this experience, I question my adaptation to society’s conformity.

Artworks in this space:

Artwork title

願望 Wishes (2021)

Artist name 黃萱 Huang Xuan
Artwork Description:

From the moment you open your eyes to the moment you go to bed, there are many internal wishes that keep appearing in your mind, whether they are strong or subtle, like a voiceover. These may be dissatisfaction with what is happening around us, expectations for the future, or " should have known" about the past. Based on all kinds of heartfelt thoughts, I decided to allow them to emerge in this action at once.

I made it a rule to make a wish for every match I slipped, so that the infinite wishing of empty words on the grass would become both a ritual of liberation and a micro-challenge to the daily desires.

Artwork title

2022 開幕許願祈福直播

Artwork Description:

🎆 年末許願祈福大會要來啦! 🐅 2022 新年新願望想好了嗎?人們總是有無窮無盡的願望可以想,一次說出來的時候簡直像碎碎念的狀態,當傳統中各種許願的儀式藉由線上平台來達成會有什麼樣的效果呢?
📣 以下幾點請注意‼
🗳 願望投入箱:
時間:2021/12/29-2022/1/4 23:49
時間:2022/01/07 7:30pm
地點:YouTube 直播

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